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Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Heney Keur Mulls Run For California Governor

Dateline, Eastern West Virginia -

Heney Keur, PhD., P.E., M.O.U.S.E. is in eastern West Virginia today (the northern part) to test the waters for possible entry into the gubernatorial race in California. Heney chose West Virginia for his foray in politics since it is far removed from the rough and tumble, politically-charged atmosphere that is the "state de affairs" in the land of fruits and nuts today. Not only that, but Heney loves West Virginia ham--and has really had a hankering for it lately. Says Heney, "There is nothing more satisfying and gratifying then sitting down at a picnic table with a bunch of coal miners, fresh back from a 12 hour shift, and sharing a wonderful honey-glazed Virginia baked ham." When it was pointed out that Heney was in West Virginia and not in Virginia proper, he said that he knew that but he likes Western cooking the best so he always goes to West Virginia for his ham.

Heney In The Mines
Dr. Heney Keur on the
campaign trail in the coal
region of West Virginia

Heney had anticipated supporting the candidacy of Arnold Schwarzenegger until the media pointed out that Arnold is a known Nazi, Communist, Fascist, child molester, ax murderer, and really bad poker player. Heney thought that California should have a decent poker player in the statehouse at the very least. You never know when Jesse Ventura might show up to play cards. So Heney is testing the waters, eating ham and playing poker with the miners in West Virginia. If all goes well there, Heney will take the next step and head toward Utah next week where he plans to do some serious card playing and cigar smoking with a focus group of Mormons.

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